Colors in your Brain I want to Paint
Sometimes it's colorful, sometimes it's dark. Sometimes it's both, sometimes it's none.
That's just how brains are, and they are so damn beautiful and intelligent. And one brain in particular, drives me crazy...
Potanda's mind is often confused and chaotic, it's crazy with ideas and sometimes it gets too excited. It constantly shifts energy, but however crazy it is, it's unique, like all brains are. And she often wondered if she would ever find another brain to match her energy. And she did...
"Dear PaintPalletteBrain,
You're chaotically beautiful, supernatural, majestic, evil, dark and colorful. You run on ideas as silly as they could be, and as smart as they can get. Your networks are complicated, yet for me they are simple and I can understand them so easily. You are a manipulator brain, you know how to get what you want. You make demonic plans, yet you're the purest, kindest, and the most loving. You're full of contradictions and you've got many tricks up on your sleeve. Your complicated networks are multileveled, and they hide greatness and creativity, but you hide it because you're afraid and you're trying to protect yourself. Please stop... I saw two sides of you Brain. One side is egotistical and narcistic. The other is selfless and caring. But you're one and a whole brain at the end in spite of the shattered pieces life broke out of you, and one thing I'm sure of: you're deadly. That's why I will never approach you except on a death wish...."
That's how she understood this brain like as if it's her own. They are so similar yet so different, but all the same, crystal clear... Or so she thought. She's always thinking of the brain and often wonders, does anyone ever thinks of hers and tries to understand her mind like their own? Has anyone saw the beauty she sees in other's brains? Has anyone saw what's on her mind and decided to stay away? Did anyone think she's deadly ???
Well, perhaps she's gonna find out later... for now, she needs to take care of her own brain to reach the sky and beyond. She needs to practice her magic. And her magic she's soon gonna reveal for you...