I've got a spell for that

 "I won't stop, I will never stop"

She repeated to herself while walking around her planet. And the road she's taking is long.

Constantly making plans, trying different paths, meeting new people, she laughs and she cries. And as she's falling in love with herself, she's falling out of everything else. She only see the sun now, with her hands always up to the sky. But she, herself, is not one "self". She's the sum of every variant that might exist and roam planets like hers. And the variants with intersected space-time units... She is Youniverse as once someone told her, and her heart is a fighter and a lover. She has a weird relationship with the Universe. She's bound to its existence, yet she wants to believe she's free. Cause freedom and her hope of freedom is what keeps her going, breathing, loving and hating.

Her journey is long, and she's holding her pieces together by her magic and dragging her broom behind. Her magic is that of the moons and stars, her spells are the whistles of wind, her potions are rivers and oceans mixed with nature essence. And her love, is a cure for black hearts. Those black hearts she mend and forge along her way. And for every pain in the universe, she cast her spells and move on, always saying "I've got a spell for that"... 

For every person she ever met and loved, she gave away a ghost. Now she's calling her ghosts back in. She's one step closer to the sky and beyond

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